Pitching for the Metaverse
Biases in evaluating creative ideas
Pitching for the Metaverse
Biases in evaluating creative ideas
The experience takes place in the offices of “Grassroots Ventures” VC. The VC is looking for early-stage ventures in the space of virtual worlds and the emerging Metaverse. Learners will take the role of a new junior partner in the VC and will join the investment committee for the first time. Today, the investment panel will meet two entrepreneurs, but only one can receive an investment from Grassroots Ventures. This immersive experience will challenge learners to acknowledge and confront their social and cognitive biases that come into play when evaluating creative ideas, and introduce tools to overcome them.
Participants will go through a series of evaluating and decision making sequences, challenged with asking the right questions and providing insights. What they don’t know is that they have been randomly assigned to a condition. How will this affect their judgment?

Learning objectives
- Confront social and cognitive biases when evaluating creative ideas and entrepreneurial ventures
- Acquire tools to improve idea pitching to decision makers (corporate venturing) and investors
- Optimize fund allocation in investments
- Reduce discrimination and biases in financial decision making
- Uncover inherent discriminatory behavior that are salient in corporate culture
- Improve the capability to leverage diversity and increase equality in organizations and society
Unique Features
- Randomized conditions
- Behavioral data (Heatmap visualization)
- Assessment questions
- Interactive interviews
90 min - 1/2 day
Experience segments - 5